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Get Involved
No matter where you are located, how old you are, or what you do for a living, you can help renew Africa — and you can start right now.
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Promoting Education
Education still provides an indisputable link between access to economic growth and social development. At the very least, a quality education is a ticket out of poverty and an opportunity to enter the labour market. For the 21st century African child, the education requirement is more than basic primary skills.
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Planting a Tree
Your gift will fund the planting of an indegious trees and directly help replenish the Botswana’s forests Palm Tree, Sausage ,African Ebony we cut down for mokoro.
We also know that each of us has something unique to offer and that only by embracing our diversity will we create the radical solutions.Tree transplanting begins at the start of the raining season, therefore transplanting is done in the months of April, May, June, July, and August. During this phase community members, teachers and children are assisted by staff and volunteers.
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Supporting a Fisher Man
Agriculture is the main source of income for a significant part of Africa’s population. Part of ending poverty, ensuring food security and facilitating shared economic growth between African countries requires significant focus on sustainable fishing methods with right equipment.
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Supporting A Farmer
Agriculture is the main source of income for a significant part of Africa’s population. Part of ending poverty, ensuring food security and facilitating shared economic growth between African countries requires significant focus on sustainable fishing methods with right equipment.
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Sign up for our volunteer opportunities at events, community gatherings, and other Foundation happenings.
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Buying A Brick
The journey to self-reliance & self-confidence is underway and you can get involved too. Let us build institutions & spaces that will empower us as Africans.
Buy a brick today and join us as we build a home for our history.